Join the the entrepreneurship
and innovation ecosystem of Jalisco
MDD in startup investment
Funds and financing
Courses, workshops and events
Learn about open calls, funds and financing, contests, events, training and courses. Get inspired by meeting companies, startups and entrepreneurs who have excelled locally, nationally and internationally.
Learn more about the companies, funds and communities in Jalisco that have stood out for their entrepreneurship projects, business models, management, innovation and creativity.
Desserto crea una revolución de la moda buscando un equilibrio entre el lujo y la sostenibilidad.
MiSalud Health es la única plataforma de Telemedicina en los Estados Unidos que ofrece consultas ilimitadas con Doctores Hispanos bilingües. Todo por una baja cuota fija mensual.
Laboratorio cosmético innovador, en el cual desarrollan tu propio producto 100% personalizado y exclusivo.
Learn about the innovations and patents from Jalisco that, through applied creativity, solve problems in the region and the world.
Plataforma de nanotecnología que permite administrar medicamentos de manera más eficiente en la retina.
Evobac utiliza biotecnología biodegradable para la reducción de contaminación en aguas residuales y confort animal.
Biofertilizante personalizado para cultivos. Restaura la salud de las plantas e incrementa su producción.
Find out about the offer of presentations, demo days, meetups, panels, workshops, and all the innovation and entrepreneurship events in Jalisco.
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